
Need to get back to blogging

My main blog went down due to an error with upgrading. I need to get my blog fix soon. I’ll be working on getting a new blog up and running over there at soon, however, I don’t plan on going with WordPress this time. My reasoning is simple, WordPress runs too slow on the other server. I need to get something that is more lightweight and still gets the job done. I’ve been looking at many different solutions, including rolling my own. I have not yet decided to roll my own blog, but I have been working on some code in the case that I come to the conclusion that that will be the best option for me.

Before I come to a final decision on a final platform I need to ask myself a few questions:

  • What am I looking for in my blogging software?
  • Do I need my software do more than just blog?
  • If I need more than blogging capability, would it be easier to integrate software from different vendors?

I’ve been seriously pondering what I’m going to do in the future with the blog, and have yet to come up with a complete answer. In the meantime I’ll be experimenting on a local server my options. I will let you all know when I come up with something.