
Spring is finally here

I had a rough winter, broke my leg, but the snow is melting and spring is in the air. I’m learning Python, had to take a break from it to get my ZF2 boiler plate set up for a couple projects that I got on my task list, but I’ll be coming back to it before the end of the week. Got a job offer with Staples, I get final details on April 2, determining how that’s going to pan out. I’ll still be on crutches, but those should be gone on the 12th. I’ll find out for sure after I go in for X-Rays. My leg is feeling a lot better though, so I have high hopes.

I’ve been feeling very confident about this only year. I think this is the year where I finally dig myself out of the trenches and start really moving toward my rise. The studio is underway, new video encoding computer is ready to go, got my microphones, and the new server is sitting in the closet waiting on hard drives. All in all, I feel like we’ve made real progress here.

I got contacted by the Walla Walla County Court, and they’re sending me a authorization to collect a DNA test to determine parentage. They’ll charge me child support if I pass. That’s okay, I’m more than happy to help out, so I really need this job to work out so that I can start sending money. I was going to send money anyway, the means by which it’s collected really isn’t important to me,  so long as the money gets where it’s supposed to be. Apparently they found me through my blog, but more likely they got my number off a resume. I just hope they don’t drain me for more than I can afford, I need money left over to live. Right now I have no money, but yeah, fingers crossed.

I already had a deal worked out with Michelle to make sure I got her some money, but I wasn’t fast enough and she ended up needing to get TANF. I just needed maybe one more month to start making money. You read about the computers and stuff, and what I don’t say is I got them all for dirt cheap on craigslist, and I’m not the one who paid for them. I have my roomate to thank for that, we share them because we work together. If I get this job, I can finally get some of the more expensive peices, and take care of my daughter, so it’s a win-win.

I’ve also been working on a deal with a friend back home that has the potential to make me very rich, but it’s still to soon to say. We’re doing our research now, no use spending any money till we know what we’re getting ourselves into. Don’t ask what it is, I’m not going to tell. It’s perfectly legal, but if I talk about it too much, I might jinx myself.

All in all, things are going well. I keep getting calls from family and friends who worry, wanting to know what’s going on. People worry too much, and I appreciate it. You’re all in my heart, and I hope to make everyone proud! I don’t really have much to say right now, so I’m going to cut it off right here. Thanks for reading, and please do check in again, I’ll try to have something more interesting to say next time.

Beyond the Night Sky, HaKT Studios, Software

HaKT Studios Reborn

I’ve finally gotten around to working on my HaKT Studios project. HaKT Studios is now an open source game development group, and we are working on our first title. I’ve begun work on the homepage, well the boilerplate code for it anyway, and I will be uploading it too. The HaKT Skull has been re-vamped by Johnnie Ray Timmons, and I think it’s just awesome.  Have a look!
HS Badge

I don’t want to expose too much, but if you follow the HaKT Studios Facebook page, you should be kept up to speed pretty well. I will tell you that our first title is called Beyond the Night Sky, and I plan on having it ready for testing around late-December 2014. I don’t want to give a firm release date at this time, as we are still in the extreme early stages of development. Anyway, keep tuned in, and I’ll let you know when something new happens.