
Ubuntu 12.10 Gnome Remix Firefox

I’m so pissed off at the release of Firefox on Ubuntu 12.10 right now. Basic things that should be working just aren’t, and I’m not sure how to correct them. Here are a couple of things that really irk me:

  • Spell check marks every word as misspelled, regardless of what the dictionary says
  • Copying text seems to strip any newlines, so when I paste the text into text editor, I get a horrid mess.

I’ve tried everything I can think of, even manually installing dictionaries in regards to the spell check feature, and nothing seems to fix it. I really hope that they fix this in the next issue. I would like to point out, as far as I can tell, this is not the fault of Mozilla. These issues haven’t shown up in the Windows release of Firefox. I find myself using Chrome more and more.

Here’s what I’ve yet to determine:

  • Is this an issue with all Ubuntu variants?
  • Is this just an issue with Ubuntu Gnome Remix ( the variant I use )
  • Is this Linux Firefox issue?
  • Is this just a case of a missing package?
  • Is this just a 64-bit Ubuntu issue?

In the last case, you would think it’s something that would automatically be required by the package. However, I do understand why it wouldn’t be, seeing as Ubuntu is a multi-lingual distribution. Those of you using vanilla Ubuntu will be thinking that Firefox is installed by default, but in Gnome Remix, it’s not. Gnome Remix’s default browser is Epiphany. I personally can’t stand Epiphany, but may explain some of the issues I’m having with Firefox. Anyway, I’ll be doing some more research. I’ll let you know if I find a solution.